On May 9, 1917, the water management church from 1828 burned down. Among other things, the 23-part organ (divided over 2 manuals with attached pedal) by Jean-Joseph Delhaye and the beautiful bell tower were lost.
The foundations of this tower are still in front of the current Laurentius Church.
In 1920 the current Cuypers church was put into use. Unfortunately, the money had run out, so the planned clock tower was never built. That is why we now have to make do with only 3 bells. The largest bell (g1) is located in the right tower of the north portal, but due to the limited space it is not a loud bell, but an electric bell: the bell does not move but is struck. In the left turret is the smallest bell, also called the 'angelus bell' (g2). This bell is rarely rung anymore. In the south portal in the right tower hangs the middle bell with (d2). Both the angelus bell and the middle bell have to be rung by hand.

It is not often that all 3 bells sound at the same time as in the video. How beautiful it would have been if the planned tower had been there with a beautiful set of bells!